Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) Prisma Cloud (CWPP)

Build and Deploy Secure Cloud Native Applications

Private training

This Palo Alto Networks course is invitation only. If you'd llike to know more, contact us

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You're invited!

We are looking forward to welcoming you to the Instructor-Led Kubernetes Administrator and Prisma Cloud Training.

When: 21-22-27-28-29 September 

View the Outline

Day 1+2 Kubernetes Fundamentals

The Kubernetes Fundamentals (CKAD) introduces participants to container orchestration with Kubernetes. Attendees will master the foundational concepts of Kubernetes in development and production through a combination of presentations, demos, and hands-on labs, including building and deploying Kubernetes applications, Cloud Native Continuous Delivery, and cluster monitoring and debugging. This course also covers system components, core resources, and the requirements for minimum viable cluster security.

Day 3 Prisma Cloud Security Platform

This cloud-native security workshop will familiarise participants with Prisma Cloud to secure cloud-native applications across development lifecycles and on any cloud.
You'll learn how to use Prisma Cloud in real-life scenarios.

Day 4+5 Kubernetes Operations

The Kubernetes Operations course builds on CKAD - Kubernetes Fundamentals by digging deeper into how Kubernetes works. It covers advanced features and use-cases to prepare engineers for the day-to-day reality of creating, maintaining and debugging Kubernetes clusters in production.

Learning outcomes

  • Gain a deep understanding of containers and experience first hand how they are relevant to the modern web stack through Kubernetes. 
  • Install and configure a Kubernetes cluster, containerise and deploy an application, secure its networking, and securely provision secrets into the cluster.  
  • Understand how to run production Kubernetes clusters, including a range of topology and upgrade approaches, automated deployment and rollback strategies, and low-level cluster maintenance challenges. 
  • Cluster debugging exercises strengthen attendees’ skills with hands-on scenarios intended to challenge their understanding
  • Gain an operational understanding of networking, storage and ingress, as well as failure detection and remediation with testing patterns for clusters and workloads. 
  • Network security and enterprise RBAC patterns, and practice with hands-on debugging scenarios provide concrete examples of production failure cases and debugging workflows.
  • Secure Cloud Native Application Delivery with Prisma Cloud



  • Instructor-Led virtual delivery (Timezone CEST)
    • Wed. 21 September - 10:00-17:30 
    • Thu. 22 September - 10:00-17:30 
    • Tue. 27 September  - 10:00-15:30
    • Wed. 28 September - 10:00-17:30
    • Thu. 29 September - 10:00-17:30

    Who should attend?

    • Those who are new to Kubernetes and containers and are involved in cloud security
    • This course also prepares attendees for the CKA/D Certified Kubernetes Administrator/Developer exam


Day 1 & 2 - Kubernetes Fundamentals CKAD
  • What real-world problems does Kubernetes solve?
  • Kubernetes in historical context
  • Container basics: Linux cgroups and namespaces
  • Core resources and kubectl
  • Kubernetes system components
  • Container networking
  • Developer workflow Deploying an application: CI pipeline, containerisation, testing, secure configuration, liveness & readiness probes, and useful kubectl tips
  • Interactive cluster debugging

Day 3 - Prisma Cloud 101
  • Installing the Console and Defenders
  • Scanning GitHub repositories
  • Scanning Container Image Registries
  • CLI Scanning for CI/CD Pipeline Integration
  • Integrating Jenkins with Prisma Cloud
  • Detecting suspicious behaviour in a container
  • Enforcing container Best practices
  • Web Application and API Security

Day 4 & 5 - Kubernetes Operations (CKA)
  • Installing, upgrading, and maintaining Kubernetes
  • Cluster architecture and topologies
  • Advanced features: networking, storage and ingress
  • Zero-downtime deployments and secrets management
  • Maintaining etcd
  • Enterprise RBAC and authentication
  • Testing cluster security
  • Interactive production cluster debugging
  • Vendor and tooling landscape
  • Comparison of cloud-provider Kubernetes offerings
  • Self-service, multi-tenant Kubernetes platforms for enterprises