Optimise your Usage and Capability of HashiCorp Vault
How Vault secures your distributed systems without becoming a single point of failure.
Join Somerford's HashiCorp-certified consultants for a webinar that will set the scene on how HashiCorp Vault can secure your distributed systems without becoming a single point of failure. The session will also cover HashiCorp Vault's HA and toolset concepts, such as auth methods and Secrets engines.
Our webinar will deep dive into the Vault Acceleration Program (VAP) a service offered by Somerford to derive value at scale from your Vault Deployment.
Further details on Vault Acceleration Program (VAP) for HashiCorp Vault can be found here.
As a hyper specialised partner with HashiCorp, and certified HashiCorp Implementation Partner (CHIP) consultant who has delivered Vault and Vault Acceleration Programs (VAP) to large global organisations, Somerford will discuss services and the VAP deliverables to accelerate the value from your Vault implementation with an opportunity for Q&A.
Tom Longley
Sales Director , Somerford
John Jarvis
HashiCorp Consultant, Somerford
Ed Andrew
Project Manager, Somerford
Chris Wright
Partner Sales Specialist - UK&I, Nuaware